Category: Childcare


Teaching Kindness and Respect in a Montessori Classroom

By: Connie Parker Being a part of a Montessori classroom is more than just academics, there is a social aspect to the classroom that is just as important. Children in a Montessori classroom learn to be a part of a community, where getting…

Is My Child Ready for Kindergarten Emotionally?

By Kristi Ockuly As a Montessori teacher for more than twenty years, and as a mother of five, I can attest to the fact that all parents wonder about the experience their young children will have in school. If they are in preschool, parents…

Mindfulness in a Montessori Environment

by Andrea Beier There is no doubt that almost everyone has heard of the term "mindfulness" in the last few years.  It seems there has been quite an explosion of interest in the concept; complete with varying definitions of what mindfulness…

Montessori in the Home

By Francina Lelei As parents, we all want what is best for our child.  We want them to grow and be healthy, learn and be smart, and love with empathy and compassion. However, a child is not born knowing how to do all these things.  The…
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Developing the Whole Child in Montessori Preschool

At a Montessori preschool, the primary focus is on developing a well-rounded individual. Montessori educators aim their attention at developing what is called the “whole child,” meaning physical, social, emotional, and cognitive aspects.…
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How Montessori Differs from Daycare

As you look at different childcare options for your child, you may notice that a Montessori preschool has some key differences that set it apart from your traditional daycare. Each classroom in a Montessori preschool is unique, even though they…
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Preschool Math in the Montessori Environment

By Erin McFarland Math in the Montessori environment is one of the richest subject areas. Maria Montessori was a great mathematician and scientist. She became one of the first woman doctors in Italy. She used this scientific approach to study…
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Two Common Misconceptions about a Montessori Classroom

Two Common Misconceptions about a Montessori Classroom by Sheri Papke   1) The classroom is too permissive, and the children do no productive work or; 2) The classroom is too strict, and the children are not able to play or use…
Preschool children working on practical life
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Why Practical Life in a Montessori Preschool

THE ROLE OF THE PRACTICAL LIFE AREA IN A MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL AND THE IMPACT ON DEVELOPMENT OF 3 YEAR OLD Practical Life exercises very simply put are the exercises of everyday living. These exercises found in a Montessori preschool are those…
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5 Steps To Choosing Childcare, DayCare or PreSchool

Step 1: Start Early Start looking as far in advance as you can. No matter what type of care you are considering – a child care center or care in someone else’s home – finding the right child care option can take some time. Step 2:…