Virtue Education and the Values of Grace and Courtesy

One aspect of education that is often overlooked in today’s society is virtue education. Many preschools and daycare centers tend to focus solely on cognitive development, leaving out other aspects of the whole child such as social and emotional development. In a Montessori preschool, however, virtue education is an integral part of the curriculum. This is shown through lessons in Grace and Courtesy.

Grace and Courtesy lessons help children learn social skills that they will carry with them throughout their lifetime. As a Montessori student, your child will benefit from Grace and Courtesy lessons in the following ways:

  • Learning how to collaborate with others, leading to success in classroom group work
  • Mastering basic greetings such as shaking hands, saying hello, and saying good bye
  • Grasping how to ask questions politely, ask permission, and excuse oneself
  • Understanding how to peacefully solve a disagreement
  • Strengthening valuable social interaction skills that allow successful navigation of friendships

In a Montessori education, Grace and Courtesy lessons are often learned through group role play. The guide will isolate the positive behavior in the demonstration. Although a good preschool or daycare may encourage positive social behavior such as good manners, it usually is not a designated part of their curriculum like Grace in Courtesy is in a Montessori preschool.

More in this series:

The Montessori Philosophy